2603 rank

96,306,068 points

41,203 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hypolite the one    LES SUDISTES
Parkog 2311 hypolite the one LES SUDISTES 99,919,307 44,722
hypolite the one    Les complotistes
Dinegu 2603 hypolite the one Les complotistes 96,306,068 41,203
hypolite the one    🍺Paix Dieu🍺
Vingrid 1366 hypolite the one 🍺Paix Dieu🍺 91,389,111 37,848
hypolite the one    L.G.U.2
Uceria 9448 hypolite the one L.G.U.2 518,010 583