6347 rank

9,380,483 points

3,509 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the host    Feu de camp
Parkog 5232 the host Feu de camp 11,877,623 5,774
the host    the hosts
East-nagach 6347 the host the hosts 9,380,483 3,509
the host    Zéro Contrainte
Langendorn 5947 the host Zéro Contrainte 9,157,325 2,903
the host    Sasalardon sauvage
Mount Killmore 6315 the host Sasalardon sauvage 8,560,539 2,924
the host    the hosts
Houndsmoor 6288 the host the hosts 7,799,829 2,812
the host    the hosts
Greifental 6645 the host the hosts 7,656,836 2,581
the host    💎 S 💎
Sinerania 9183 the host 💎 S 💎 790,179 1,694