9488 rank

1,359,488 points

555 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
salocin13    Knights of Legend
Arvahall 8947 salocin13 Knights of Legend 4,659,651 1,297
salocin13    Armorica
Dinegu 8631 salocin13 Armorica 1,886,364 632
salocin13    Liverdun
Brisgard 9753 salocin13 Liverdun 1,886,327 689
salocin13    La Guilde ImpĂ©riale
Greifental 8964 salocin13 La Guilde Impériale 1,798,168 512
salocin13    Vesontio
Cirgard 9555 salocin13 Vesontio 1,510,489 548
salocin13    chevalier noir
Fel Dranghyr 9148 salocin13 chevalier noir 1,388,071 469
salocin13    fun
East-nagach 9488 salocin13 fun 1,359,488 555
salocin13    le juste
Houndsmoor 9352 salocin13 le juste 1,065,964 437
salocin13    La Toure
Jaims 9901 salocin13 La Toure 1,016,778 356