4915 rank

20,259,895 points

3,734 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roll and Rock    Montsègur
Arvahall 1561 Roll and Rock Montsègur 217,626,087 31,920
Roll and Rock    Anarchie
Fel Dranghyr 1488 Roll and Rock Anarchie 210,210,792 32,773
Roll and Rock   
Brisgard 1621 Roll and Rock 187,199,943 26,612
Roll and Rock    Anarchie
Dinegu 1655 Roll and Rock Anarchie 164,495,501 29,112
Roll and Rock    Anarchie
Korch 1794 Roll and Rock Anarchie 137,570,681 22,926
Roll and Rock   
Jaims 3520 Roll and Rock 42,475,793 5,963
Roll and Rock    MDR !!
Greifental 3844 Roll and Rock MDR !! 37,259,654 4,005
Roll and Rock   
Cirgard 4815 Roll and Rock 20,891,703 4,229
Roll and Rock   
East-nagach 4915 Roll and Rock 20,259,895 3,734
Roll and Rock   
Houndsmoor 4693 Roll and Rock 19,541,676 4,454
Roll and Rock   
Langendorn 6194 Roll and Rock 7,597,981 1,487
Roll and Rock   
Mount Killmore 7043 Roll and Rock 5,247,201 876