Rank Name
1 link38
1 link38
2 maupeke
2 maupeke
3 meline la puissante
3 meline la puissante
4 vandam62
4 vandam62
5 mmadeleine
5 mmadeleine
6 Polotaf
6 Polotaf
7 VengeurVic.sadowana49549
7 VengeurVic.sadowana49549
8 Sage82444
8 Sage82444
9 Seb Fr67
9 Seb Fr67
10 JustSnake
10 JustSnake
11 Anastase 1160 le Loyal
11 Anastase 1160 le Loyal
12 Morgan III
12 Morgan III
13 Versotil
13 Versotil
14 Tatör
14 Tatör
15 tweety50
15 tweety50
16 christianamp
16 christianamp
17 davidmat.africa
17 davidmat.africa
18 solarys
18 solarys
19 M4ST3R H W33D
19 M4ST3R H W33D
20 titiboum
20 titiboum
21 ShaelArius
21 ShaelArius
22 MOI01700
22 MOI01700
23 MaxLeConquerant1
23 MaxLeConquerant1
24 Lecornichonmasqué
24 Lecornichonmasqué
25 celle N ia
25 celle N ia
26 yokailove
26 yokailove
27 maxime94542
27 maxime94542
28 hussein kahlarrase
28 hussein kahlarrase
29 Emmy71
29 Emmy71
30 Claudia 2244 la Pillarde
30 Claudia 2244 la Pillarde
31 Soiffy
31 Soiffy
32 krosk416 le Vaillantkr
32 krosk416 le Vaillantkr
33 Bastambiance
33 Bastambiance
34 Jypska
34 Jypska
35 Boadicée 3569 la Grande
35 Boadicée 3569 la Grande
36 penter1322
36 penter1322
37 Lornshal
37 Lornshal
38 lezozo
38 lezozo
39 Édouard 862 le Lion
39 Édouard 862 le Lion
40 matt le conquerant 80
40 matt le conquerant 80
41 Cassius 857 le Cruel
41 Cassius 857 le Cruel
42 micligiu
42 micligiu
43 Daisy19
43 Daisy19
44 Matwith
44 Matwith
45 théo bg 007
45 théo bg 007
47 Alexandre 2824 le Loyal
47 Alexandre 2824 le Loyal
48 orion62360
48 orion62360
49 TuCocoPas
49 TuCocoPas

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.