15212 rank

57,343 points

271 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pegazephenix    lumineux
Brisgard 16353 pegazephenix lumineux 99,747 296
pegazephenix    Aire de repos
Fel Dranghyr 15212 pegazephenix Aire de repos 57,343 271
pegazephenix    The thieves
Uceria 13657 pegazephenix The thieves 56,170 140
pegazephenix    vikings
Qunrir 13913 pegazephenix vikings 55,840 61
pegazephenix    la force
Jaims 15899 pegazephenix la force 46,745 188
Vingrid 12065 pegazephenix 46,467 32
pegazephenix    joli events
Odhrorvar 14727 pegazephenix joli events 44,520 163