10907 rank

611,964 points

1,620 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Erine the viking    Les Democrates
Odhrorvar 7995 Erine the viking Les Democrates 1,910,024 2,013
Erine the viking    Les Âmes de Gaia
Langendorn 8638 Erine the viking Les Âmes de Gaia 1,553,600 2,831
Erine the viking    La Populasse
Parkog 9482 Erine the viking La Populasse 782,412 1,538
Erine the viking    Chevaliers
Fel Dranghyr 10907 Erine the viking Chevaliers 611,964 1,620
Erine the viking    GUILDOU
Korch 11085 Erine the viking GUILDOU 496,960 1,894
Erine the viking    Chevalier d'Emeraude
Sinerania 10724 Erine the viking Chevalier d'Emeraude 440,809 1,492