2460 rank

109,398,167 points

68,050 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Levitation    Apocalyptica
Mount Killmore 1513 Levitation Apocalyptica 219,007,388 118,164
Levitation    Apocalyptica
Greifental 2460 Levitation Apocalyptica 109,398,167 68,050
Levitation    Apocalyptica
Odhrorvar 3498 Levitation Apocalyptica 41,148,176 28,747
Levitation    Les 5 Salopards
Sinerania 3731 Levitation Les 5 Salopards 28,230,411 30,221
Levitation    Ysthére
Houndsmoor 4590 Levitation Ysthére 23,119,660 28,186
Levitation    Kiss of Death
Langendorn 4937 Levitation Kiss of Death 17,312,052 29,301