4119 rank

30,252,030 points

2,756 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
jarodkarith    OUP'S...
Dinegu 312 jarodkarith OUP'S... 1,040,580,070 139,895
jarodkarith    the pretender
Cirgard 4020 jarodkarith the pretender 36,312,090 2,433
jarodkarith    Tigrou
Brisgard 4190 jarodkarith Tigrou 35,445,221 2,639
jarodkarith    baracuda
Jaims 4119 jarodkarith baracuda 30,252,030 2,756
jarodkarith    Brothers & co
Arvahall 5013 jarodkarith Brothers & co 28,988,440 2,707
jarodkarith    fallen
Xyr 987 jarodkarith fallen 28,830,471 3,445
jarodkarith    les condottieres
East-nagach 4619 jarodkarith les condottieres 25,794,431 2,953
jarodkarith    ARWAN
Fel Dranghyr 4491 jarodkarith ARWAN 24,674,822 2,532
jarodkarith    Darkcrow
Mount Killmore 4557 jarodkarith Darkcrow 23,089,146 2,788
jarodkarith    @La Forge€
Korch 4413 jarodkarith @La Forge€ 23,065,636 2,679
jarodkarith    artemis
Odhrorvar 4318 jarodkarith artemis 21,816,517 2,779
jarodkarith    Quebecos
Langendorn 4639 jarodkarith Quebecos 19,818,770 2,550
jarodkarith    fallen
Noarsil 4547 jarodkarith fallen 19,216,771 2,606
jarodkarith    Guilde des voyageurs
Greifental 5007 jarodkarith Guilde des voyageurs 18,767,633 2,661
jarodkarith    ☠ LégioN ☠
Parkog 4614 jarodkarith ☠ LégioN ☠ 17,701,568 2,526
jarodkarith    Les fils du temps
Houndsmoor 5082 jarodkarith Les fils du temps 16,238,053 2,396
jarodkarith    Le Dragon Blanc
Rugnir 4609 jarodkarith Le Dragon Blanc 16,005,509 2,337
jarodkarith    Chaud les marrons!
Uceria 4124 jarodkarith Chaud les marrons! 15,644,748 2,779
jarodkarith    la face cachee
Sinerania 4632 jarodkarith la face cachee 14,087,081 2,552
jarodkarith    canonniers
Tuulech 4824 jarodkarith canonniers 14,006,519 2,353
jarodkarith    Le templier
Qunrir 5095 jarodkarith Le templier 11,514,725 2,516
jarodkarith    les apaches
Walstrand 1788 jarodkarith les apaches 11,227,942 2,409
jarodkarith    lzs artichaut
Vingrid 3463 jarodkarith lzs artichaut 11,023,498 2,550