5300 rank

15,663,492 points

5,005 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
gherros    Neverland
Arvahall 5749 gherros Neverland 20,815,403 6,719
gherros    Broceliande!
Cirgard 5083 gherros Broceliande! 18,713,342 5,373
gherros    Les Korrigans
Brisgard 5367 gherros Les Korrigans 18,541,945 5,761
gherros    Aucune Contrainte
Korch 4808 gherros Aucune Contrainte 17,984,905 5,032
gherros    THE WHO
Greifental 5117 gherros THE WHO 17,578,380 5,406
gherros    Hermines
Fel Dranghyr 5092 gherros Hermines 17,434,995 4,515
gherros    thor
Dinegu 5235 gherros thor 16,335,120 5,194
gherros    S A S 67 68
Jaims 5300 gherros S A S 67 68 15,663,492 5,005
gherros    Contrainte Zero
Tuulech 4726 gherros Contrainte Zero 14,930,751 3,774
gherros    Black Pearl !
Mount Killmore 5467 gherros Black Pearl ! 13,871,425 4,066
gherros    Les papys
Qunrir 4858 gherros Les papys 13,556,457 4,102
gherros    Table Ronde
Xyr 1494 gherros Table Ronde 13,285,738 3,606
gherros    Sansoucis
Houndsmoor 6225 gherros Sansoucis 8,267,560 2,421
gherros    la Citadelle
Sinerania 6911 gherros la Citadelle 3,113,478 1,371
gherros    la guide des vieux
Langendorn 8487 gherros la guide des vieux 1,630,032 969