314 rank

864,192,893 points

209,009 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arvahall 314 ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78 ♎️GUARDIAN⚕️ 864,192,893 209,009
ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78    TheLegend1998
Brisgard 3568 ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78 TheLegend1998 2,382,767 3,089
ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78    Οίκος των Ελ
Cirgard 4556 ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78 Οίκος των Ελ 1,506,972 2,099
ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78    !!!!!SPARTA-300!!!!!
Dinegu 3356 ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78 !!!!!SPARTA-300!!!!! 1,423,954 2,251
ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78    King of Worms
East-Nagach 3345 ΚΡΙΤΩΝ 78 King of Worms 263,593 398