1148 rank

116,659,541 points

68,479 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Shpongle    ۵ ΦΟΙΝΙΞ ۵
Dinegu 1148 Shpongle ۵ ΦΟΙΝΙΞ ۵ 116,659,541 68,479
East-Nagach 1051 Shpongle VICTORY'S FIGHTERS 48,652,145 35,433
Shpongle    Diamonds and Roses
Arvahall 4580 Shpongle Diamonds and Roses 597,449 2,302
Shpongle    🔹️💠 ΝΗΣΙ 💠🔹️
Brisgard 4412 Shpongle 🔹️💠 ΝΗΣΙ 💠🔹️ 493,177 1,786
Shpongle    Greek Reapers
Cirgard 5600 Shpongle Greek Reapers 284,762 1,354