3507 rank

164,867 points

295 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steph the 8th    *ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΑΣ*
Cirgard 595 Steph the 8th *ΠΡΟΜΗΘΕΑΣ* 709,723,650 170,344
Steph the 8th    💥 ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ 💥
Dinegu 413 Steph the 8th 💥 ΜΥΡΜΙΔΟΝΕΣ 💥 484,264,989 152,230
Steph the 8th    OnE PiEcE
Arvahall 1813 Steph the 8th OnE PiEcE 56,049,721 38,371
Steph the 8th   
Brisgard 2424 Steph the 8th 18,997,488 21,258
Steph the 8th   
East-Nagach 3507 Steph the 8th 164,867 295