1271 rank

18,873,209 points

24,285 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
aris the great of gods    ⚔️Ιδανική Πολιτεία⚔️
Brisgard 416 aris the great of gods ⚔️Ιδανική Πολιτεία⚔️ 541,619,903 309,317
aris the great of gods   
Cirgard 2601 aris the great of gods 31,979,921 29,216
aris the great of gods   
Dinegu 1807 aris the great of gods 25,155,760 32,642
aris the great of gods   
East-Nagach 1271 aris the great of gods 18,873,209 24,285