1444 rank

18,886,596 points

7,364 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rasvan the Mighty   
Cirgard 621 Rasvan the Mighty 769,538,887 153,508
Rasvan the Mighty    PUPPETEER ♖♘♗♔♕♗♘♖
East-Nagach 1444 Rasvan the Mighty PUPPETEER ♖♘♗♔♕♗♘♖ 18,886,596 7,364
Rasvan the Mighty    Μακεδονία gr
Arvahall 2683 Rasvan the Mighty Μακεδονία gr 15,143,544 7,088
Rasvan the Mighty    makedones
Brisgard 2616 Rasvan the Mighty makedones 14,894,199 6,495
Rasvan the Mighty    Ανενεργοι
Dinegu 2261 Rasvan the Mighty Ανενεργοι 14,021,876 6,496