1213 rank

32,239,167 points

31,257 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
XxlostrexX    CIMMERIA
Cirgard 231 XxlostrexX CIMMERIA 1,596,377,657 417,001
XxlostrexX    🪤🐀CIMMERIA🪤🐀
East-Nagach 1213 XxlostrexX 🪤🐀CIMMERIA🪤🐀 32,239,167 31,257
XxlostrexX    CIMMERIA
Arvahall 5601 XxlostrexX CIMMERIA 122,496 169
XxlostrexX    ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ
Brisgard 5279 XxlostrexX ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ 107,832 165
XxlostrexX    THE GREEKS
Dinegu 5526 XxlostrexX THE GREEKS 29,462 26