3594 rank

94,884,498 points

15,974 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Abyss    Veni Vidi Vici
Cirgard 196 Abyss Veni Vidi Vici 1,710,474,004 312,798
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Arvahall 3594 Abyss Abyss of Time 94,884,498 15,974
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Brisgard 3952 Abyss Abyss of Time 72,026,200 13,172
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Dinegu 3938 Abyss Abyss of Time 45,763,321 10,751
Abyss    Abyss of Time
East-Nagach 4229 Abyss Abyss of Time 14,346,513 5,454
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Fel Dranghyr 3084 Abyss Abyss of Time 1,790,536 1,782