15072 rank

234,445 points

495 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
VeronicaSophia    menedék
Dinegu 10453 VeronicaSophia menedék 958,510 625
VeronicaSophia    Gyémánt :)
Arvahall 13219 VeronicaSophia Gyémánt :) 681,674 641
VeronicaSophia    Keresztes lovagrend
East-Nagach 9016 VeronicaSophia Keresztes lovagrend 517,762 640
VeronicaSophia    Black Skull
Cirgard 13931 VeronicaSophia Black Skull 331,110 592
VeronicaSophia    Calypso
Brisgard 15072 VeronicaSophia Calypso 234,445 495
VeronicaSophia    The Teambuilders
Fel Dranghyr 7050 VeronicaSophia The Teambuilders 32,782 121