6570 rank

16,367,809 points

2,687 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
thom13    The Order
East-Nagach 853 thom13 The Order 267,593,081 46,994
Dinegu 4262 thom13 37,461,462 4,477
Cirgard 6570 thom13 16,367,809 2,687
thom13    Lazán
Arvahall 7077 thom13 Lazán 15,486,975 2,459
thom13    funfactory
Brisgard 7064 thom13 funfactory 13,912,710 2,177
thom13    csak lazán
Fel Dranghyr 2936 thom13 csak lazán 2,097,127 5,707