3947 rank

46,032,228 points

10,833 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Abyss    Veni Vidi Vici
Cirgard 193 Abyss Veni Vidi Vici 1,768,572,273 320,000
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Arvahall 3575 Abyss Abyss of Time 96,987,293 16,088
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Brisgard 3942 Abyss Abyss of Time 73,018,414 13,247
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Dinegu 3947 Abyss Abyss of Time 46,032,228 10,833
Abyss    Abyss of Time
East-Nagach 4235 Abyss Abyss of Time 14,433,805 5,474
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Fel Dranghyr 3107 Abyss Abyss of Time 1,800,904 1,786