3864 rank

49,256,791 points

11,135 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Abyss    Veni Vidi Vici
Cirgard 185 Abyss Veni Vidi Vici 1,871,914,508 337,165
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Arvahall 3558 Abyss Abyss of Time 100,364,642 16,411
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Brisgard 3919 Abyss Abyss of Time 75,671,812 13,517
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Dinegu 3864 Abyss Abyss of Time 49,256,791 11,135
Abyss    Abyss of Time
East-Nagach 4219 Abyss Abyss of Time 15,199,389 5,526
Abyss    Abyss of Time
Fel Dranghyr 3058 Abyss Abyss of Time 2,081,689 1,889