1837 rank

184,914,251 points

26,028 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ZEKORU    shaun the sheep -sts
Dinegu 1837 ZEKORU shaun the sheep -sts 184,914,251 26,028
ZEKORU    Shaun the Sheep
Arvahall 10250 ZEKORU Shaun the Sheep 3,042,600 1,062
ZEKORU    Shaun the Sheep
Brisgard 10885 ZEKORU Shaun the Sheep 1,666,419 908
ZEKORU    Shaun the Sheep
East-Nagach 7356 ZEKORU Shaun the Sheep 1,428,272 815
ZEKORU    Shaun the Sheep
Fel Dranghyr 3495 ZEKORU Shaun the Sheep 1,069,274 784
ZEKORU    Shaun the Sheep
Cirgard 11683 ZEKORU Shaun the Sheep 970,247 670