2049 rank

205,655,001 points

31,416 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
joealberti    Sbabbari
Cirgard 1766 joealberti Sbabbari 232,087,951 36,979
joealberti    🌞Aquile di Fuoco🌞
East-nagach 1871 joealberti 🌞Aquile di Fuoco🌞 207,224,974 32,052
joealberti    ☩ Vampires ☩
Arvahall 2049 joealberti ☩ Vampires ☩ 205,655,001 31,416
joealberti    The New World
Houndsmoor 1403 joealberti The New World 201,196,935 33,338