14563 rank

113,584 points

225 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dinegu 1992 Fallout87 169,144,015 45,999
Jaims 3434 Fallout87 12,608,356 19,157
Fallout87    allo
Greifental 7909 Fallout87 allo 1,027,619 1,557
Fallout87    the world is you....
Fel Dranghyr 11156 Fallout87 the world is you.... 198,601 274
East-nagach 12218 Fallout87 190,816 384
Fallout87    solli
Houndsmoor 10309 Fallout87 solli 184,842 400
Fallout87    ☜☆☞FALCHI☜☆☞
Cirgard 13283 Fallout87 ☜☆☞FALCHI☜☆☞ 122,475 189
Fallout87    w i perdenti
Arvahall 14563 Fallout87 w i perdenti 113,584 225
Fallout87    Freedom tower
Brisgard 13410 Fallout87 Freedom tower 102,404 173