1814 rank

4,548,184 points

6,608 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
astronascente2    ⚔️ URUK-HAI ⚔️
Fel Dranghyr 219 astronascente2 ⚔️ URUK-HAI ⚔️ 1,228,520,066 288,475
Brisgard 3831 astronascente2 47,559,386 14,302
astronascente2    gears of war
Dinegu 3944 astronascente2 gears of war 43,955,901 11,951
astronascente2    gears of war
East-nagach 4421 astronascente2 gears of war 29,398,548 10,849
astronascente2    gears of war
Greifental 3710 astronascente2 gears of war 26,693,360 14,692
astronascente2    gears of war
Cirgard 5389 astronascente2 gears of war 16,891,091 10,168
astronascente2    gears of war
Houndsmoor 4601 astronascente2 gears of war 12,202,347 9,151
astronascente2    gears of war
Langendorn 1814 astronascente2 gears of war 4,548,184 6,608
astronascente2    gears of war
Arvahall 8650 astronascente2 gears of war 3,162,531 6,750
astronascente2    gears of war
Korch 4524 astronascente2 gears of war 1,626,230 5,042
astronascente2    gears of war
Jaims 6839 astronascente2 gears of war 725,080 3,025