1495 rank

8,921,787 points

20,664 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rabbi Loew    *NOVA REBIRTH*
Arvahall 121 Rabbi Loew *NOVA REBIRTH* 2,112,410,953 452,697
Rabbi Loew   
Greifental 5036 Rabbi Loew 9,979,026 24,230
Rabbi Loew   
Langendorn 1495 Rabbi Loew 8,921,787 20,664
Rabbi Loew    The Phoenix
Jaims 4247 Rabbi Loew The Phoenix 6,631,078 5,900
Rabbi Loew    Giske Island
East-nagach 8973 Rabbi Loew Giske Island 1,282,988 3,092
Rabbi Loew    Giske Island
Dinegu 9163 Rabbi Loew Giske Island 1,016,670 5,479
Rabbi Loew   
Houndsmoor 7732 Rabbi Loew 947,820 2,391
Rabbi Loew   
Brisgard 9644 Rabbi Loew 890,765 4,259
Rabbi Loew    Giske Island
Fel Dranghyr 9745 Rabbi Loew Giske Island 423,632 1,725
Rabbi Loew    */* SENZA.REGOLE */*
Cirgard 11048 Rabbi Loew */* SENZA.REGOLE */* 403,697 1,255
Rabbi Loew    avalon
Korch 7197 Rabbi Loew avalon 166,657 103