1609 rank

7,038,283 points

2,859 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mach3264    Marte
East-nagach 3364 mach3264 Marte 65,844,823 14,907
mach3264    The force of nature
Greifental 2776 mach3264 The force of nature 58,390,305 15,032
mach3264    Prometeo
Cirgard 4590 mach3264 Prometeo 29,690,365 8,148
mach3264    Destinazione ignota
Korch 2524 mach3264 Destinazione ignota 14,886,140 5,850
mach3264    Relax
Langendorn 1609 mach3264 Relax 7,038,283 2,859