4736 rank

26,282,928 points

33,401 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Dinegu 1291 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 350,034,032 143,789
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Cirgard 1567 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 267,455,852 100,981
Jardiance    The New World
Houndsmoor 2712 Jardiance The New World 58,544,678 47,489
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Langendorn 713 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 44,121,725 38,367
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Korch 1646 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 40,174,879 33,804
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Brisgard 4736 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 26,282,928 33,401
Jardiance    🐉I-MOTO🏍DRAGHI🐉
Greifental 10035 Jardiance 🐉I-MOTO🏍DRAGHI🐉 247,434 1,039