7526 rank

4,087,970 points

1,807 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mimi20    La Superba
Cirgard 4685 mimi20 La Superba 27,766,069 7,198
mimi20    Fate come volete
Jaims 4664 mimi20 Fate come volete 4,512,314 1,771
mimi20    loto
Brisgard 7526 mimi20 loto 4,087,970 1,807
mimi20    The Worriors
Greifental 6850 mimi20 The Worriors 2,221,188 1,370
mimi20    NESSUN DORMA
East-nagach 9650 mimi20 NESSUN DORMA 821,535 704
mimi20    Iz coming
Fel Dranghyr 9133 mimi20 Iz coming 635,261 837