7505 rank

4,224,444 points

1,829 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
mimi20    La Superba
Cirgard 4647 mimi20 La Superba 29,340,599 7,364
mimi20    Fate come volete
Jaims 4657 mimi20 Fate come volete 4,640,712 1,795
mimi20    loto
Brisgard 7505 mimi20 loto 4,224,444 1,829
mimi20    The Worriors
Greifental 6856 mimi20 The Worriors 2,253,552 1,371
mimi20    NESSUN DORMA
East-nagach 9565 mimi20 NESSUN DORMA 864,607 710
mimi20    Iz coming
Fel Dranghyr 9115 mimi20 Iz coming 655,173 838