763 rank

569,840,517 points

188,501 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Seraphim.    tirania
Brisgard 763 Seraphim. tirania 569,840,517 188,501
East-nagach 5741 Seraphim. 12,127,051 5,634
Seraphim.    THE HUNTER
Arvahall 7234 Seraphim. THE HUNTER 7,506,911 4,163
Seraphim.    The Hunter
Fel Dranghyr 5681 Seraphim. The Hunter 7,286,113 7,252
Seraphim.    THE HUNTER
Cirgard 7105 Seraphim. THE HUNTER 5,316,801 3,132
Seraphim.    The Hunter
Dinegu 7511 Seraphim. The Hunter 3,295,059 2,224
Seraphim.    The Hunter
Greifental 6722 Seraphim. The Hunter 2,400,542 2,113
Seraphim.    The Hunter
Houndsmoor 6719 Seraphim. The Hunter 2,021,803 1,636
Seraphim.    A.G.B.
Jaims 5789 Seraphim. A.G.B. 1,523,206 1,281
Seraphim.    Phoenix Rises
Korch 6011 Seraphim. Phoenix Rises 402,061 288