3339 rank

66,529,334 points

22,048 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
pistore    @#@#@#
Arvahall 2767 pistore @#@#@# 105,790,723 66,283
pistore    Hold The Line
Cirgard 3339 pistore Hold The Line 66,529,334 22,048
pistore    i gatti randagi
Brisgard 3881 pistore i gatti randagi 42,089,144 20,238
pistore    q cqso
Fel Dranghyr 3397 pistore q cqso 36,135,683 12,125
pistore    I PANCHINARI
Langendorn 715 pistore I PANCHINARI 32,825,640 46,443