5562 rank

13,592,015 points

11,440 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
caesarave    Norreni 2
Houndsmoor 3849 caesarave Norreni 2 18,734,966 13,434
caesarave    norreni
East-nagach 5099 caesarave norreni 17,078,706 12,708
caesarave    NORRENIA
Brisgard 5264 caesarave NORRENIA 15,985,219 15,902
caesarave    Norrenia3
Jaims 2978 caesarave Norrenia3 15,525,624 13,799
caesarave    The Snow Dragons
Greifental 4382 caesarave The Snow Dragons 13,840,722 10,776
caesarave    Regno di Nuanda
Cirgard 5562 caesarave Regno di Nuanda 13,592,015 11,440
caesarave    CAMPING NUANDA
Langendorn 1543 caesarave CAMPING NUANDA 3,204,558 5,884