8427 rank

1,737,401 points

1,838 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arvahall 137 LoseMyMind ĻЄ ƬЄƦƦĨɃĨĻĨ🎃ƵũƇƇĥЄ 1,438,327,508 355,323
LoseMyMind    The Highlands
East-nagach 5036 LoseMyMind The Highlands 17,774,959 17,222
LoseMyMind    fuorj
Greifental 6647 LoseMyMind fuorj 2,512,611 2,912
LoseMyMind    IGALLI
Dinegu 8427 LoseMyMind IGALLI 1,737,401 1,838
LoseMyMind    All Blacks
Cirgard 9203 LoseMyMind All Blacks 1,331,806 1,552
LoseMyMind    guerrieriìtaliani
Fel Dranghyr 8044 LoseMyMind guerrieriìtaliani 1,321,864 1,576
LoseMyMind    Anubi
Korch 4838 LoseMyMind Anubi 974,605 1,688
LoseMyMind    Horror Clan
Brisgard 10587 LoseMyMind Horror Clan 607,835 964
LoseMyMind    blue rose/academi765
Houndsmoor 8870 LoseMyMind blue rose/academi765 532,820 741
LoseMyMind    The Best Imperator
Jaims 7577 LoseMyMind The Best Imperator 440,286 871