12107 rank

164,757 points

40 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tarci the brave    🐅TIGRI di MOMPRACEM
Fel Dranghyr 1870 Tarci the brave 🐅TIGRI di MOMPRACEM 130,678,480 59,063
Tarci the brave    (LA CONFRATERNITA )
Greifental 6400 Tarci the brave (LA CONFRATERNITA ) 3,356,257 2,784
Tarci the brave    the Italian job
Arvahall 13401 Tarci the brave the Italian job 205,931 52
Tarci the brave    Le VALCHIRIE
Houndsmoor 10261 Tarci the brave Le VALCHIRIE 173,533 44
Tarci the brave    Suikoden
Dinegu 12107 Tarci the brave Suikoden 164,757 40
Tarci the brave    Compagnia Bolis
Brisgard 12508 Tarci the brave Compagnia Bolis 159,226 42
Tarci the brave    EDT FARM E MAYA
East-nagach 12308 Tarci the brave EDT FARM E MAYA 156,164 41
Tarci the brave    VINCENTI
Cirgard 12743 Tarci the brave VINCENTI 149,263 71