893 rank

546,793,402 points

89,023 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Haunebu    Hells Bells
Dinegu 893 Haunebu Hells Bells 546,793,402 89,023
Cirgard 8747 Haunebu IRA DI ACHILLE 1,596,947 1,535
Haunebu    ARVAHAL
Arvahall 9722 Haunebu ARVAHAL 1,566,816 2,078
Haunebu    pionieri del mare
Brisgard 9185 Haunebu pionieri del mare 1,229,601 1,421
Haunebu    venereoscura
East-nagach 9105 Haunebu venereoscura 1,148,846 966
Haunebu    " The Kings "
Fel Dranghyr 8579 Haunebu " The Kings " 877,426 1,116
Haunebu    AGREIF
Greifental 8250 Haunebu AGREIF 807,842 1,023