1278 rank

353,245,174 points

144,683 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Dinegu 1278 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 353,245,174 144,683
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Cirgard 1573 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 266,837,040 101,193
Jardiance    The New World
Houndsmoor 2686 Jardiance The New World 60,430,643 49,027
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Langendorn 708 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 45,012,357 39,391
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Korch 1627 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 41,452,738 33,999
Jardiance    ⚡C H I D O R I⚡
Brisgard 4711 Jardiance ⚡C H I D O R I⚡ 26,887,371 33,731
Jardiance    🐉I-MOTO🏍DRAGHI🐉
Greifental 9680 Jardiance 🐉I-MOTO🏍DRAGHI🐉 318,895 1,282