6055 rank

10,190,088 points

2,838 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
RashBobby    OBLIVION
Cirgard 5836 RashBobby OBLIVION 12,990,774 2,998
RashBobby    the kings
Arvahall 6687 RashBobby the kings 10,730,182 2,950
East-nagach 6055 RashBobby I NAVIGATORI 10,190,088 2,838
RashBobby    Ordine Costantiniano
Brisgard 6189 RashBobby Ordine Costantiniano 10,171,562 2,640
RashBobby    Il Lupo bianco
Fel Dranghyr 5267 RashBobby Il Lupo bianco 10,148,393 2,972