8 rank

3,029,860,994 points

789,035 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
VitoM76    🌌The Witchers🗡
East-nagach 8 VitoM76 🌌The Witchers🗡 3,029,860,994 789,035
Fel Dranghyr 1535 VitoM76 ⭐ȾȞȆ ΪḾḾƟƦƮǠŁŠ⭐ 132,882,478 57,034
VitoM76    ☩ Vampires ☩
Arvahall 2412 VitoM76 ☩ Vampires ☩ 109,228,406 52,046
VitoM76    Fallen Angels
Dinegu 2912 VitoM76 Fallen Angels 67,676,864 27,504
VitoM76    the Masters
Brisgard 3128 VitoM76 the Masters 58,688,143 18,694