4575 rank

14,333,086 points

4,654 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kaaneck    Celtic Druids
Houndsmoor 1425 Kaaneck Celtic Druids 144,668,983 53,031
Kaaneck    OsmosiS
Korch 864 Kaaneck OsmosiS 81,198,211 70,708
Kaaneck    Master of Puppets
Greifental 3231 Kaaneck Master of Puppets 31,762,014 10,836
Brisgard 4669 Kaaneck 23,127,541 7,475
Kaaneck    I walk Alone
Cirgard 5293 Kaaneck I walk Alone 15,844,016 3,802
Kaaneck    Zitto Zitto
Fel Dranghyr 4575 Kaaneck Zitto Zitto 14,333,086 4,654
Jaims 3159 Kaaneck 13,641,630 18,805