3230 rank

44,432,460 points

14,191 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bobo1949    On the Road
Houndsmoor 1025 bobo1949 On the Road 294,455,072 68,968
bobo1949    TERRA DI MEZZO
Arvahall 3838 bobo1949 TERRA DI MEZZO 58,127,475 11,488
bobo1949    All Blacks
Cirgard 3916 bobo1949 All Blacks 48,274,641 16,916
bobo1949    Yule 🌹 Rosae
Fel Dranghyr 3230 bobo1949 Yule 🌹 Rosae 44,432,460 14,191
bobo1949    Trono di Minkie!
Greifental 3327 bobo1949 Trono di Minkie! 35,888,033 10,759