5428 rank

9,097,791 points

6,268 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
fiore56    šŸ”„DARKJUSTICEšŸ”„
Brisgard 8 fiore56 šŸ”„DARKJUSTICEšŸ”„ 4,549,772,376 1,125,229
fiore56    fiore
Korch 256 fiore56 fiore 455,124,578 251,164
fiore56    fiore
Dinegu 5620 fiore56 fiore 13,660,749 6,544
fiore56    fiore56
Cirgard 6032 fiore56 fiore56 11,461,308 3,084
fiore56    "OuT_BoyS!!"
Fel Dranghyr 5428 fiore56 "OuT_BoyS!!" 9,097,791 6,268
fiore56    THE DAY AFTER
Jaims 4074 fiore56 THE DAY AFTER 7,809,345 3,290
fiore56    Heal the world
Arvahall 12692 fiore56 Heal the world 302,378 225
Langendorn 3566 fiore56 294,375 1,912
fiore56    fiore
East-nagach 12270 fiore56 fiore 159,021 140
fiore56    fiore
Greifental 10745 fiore56 fiore 151,994 119