875 rank

370,157,812 points

250,761 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Floku    Night’s Shadows🦇
Fel Dranghyr 875 Floku Night’s Shadows🦇 370,157,812 250,761
Greifental 3521 Floku 30,928,355 35,711
Floku    The Warriors
Arvahall 7917 Floku The Warriors 5,184,827 9,495
Floku    Headhunters Infinity
Cirgard 7745 Floku Headhunters Infinity 3,366,146 11,915
Floku    NO TIME
Brisgard 8492 Floku NO TIME 1,955,887 6,563
Floku    NO TIME
Dinegu 8823 Floku NO TIME 1,303,774 5,838