5531 rank

6,879,116 points

3,075 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
leonida61    Caporale
Cirgard 3179 leonida61 Caporale 81,676,731 19,929
leonida61    Phoeresia
Brisgard 4501 leonida61 Phoeresia 30,474,980 7,466
leonida61    The Spider 🕷
Arvahall 5293 leonida61 The Spider 🕷 24,118,630 6,255
leonida61    TORRE DI GUARDIA
Dinegu 5498 leonida61 TORRE DI GUARDIA 14,697,224 4,319
leonida61    Utgard
East-nagach 5918 leonida61 Utgard 11,178,371 3,779
leonida61    ۩ ҉ ѦﮔǤѦЯĐ ҉ ۩
Greifental 5531 leonida61 ۩ ҉ ѦﮔǤѦЯĐ ҉ ۩ 6,879,116 3,075