1127 rank

259,812,525 points

214,972 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Altero Quieto 240    On the Road
Houndsmoor 1127 Altero Quieto 240 On the Road 259,812,525 214,972
Altero Quieto 240    FAIRY TAIL
Langendorn 941 Altero Quieto 240 FAIRY TAIL 24,841,639 63,287
Altero Quieto 240    CHE SEI NERVOSO 😂
Korch 2149 Altero Quieto 240 CHE SEI NERVOSO 😂 21,760,918 44,618
Altero Quieto 240    black_devil
Jaims 6251 Altero Quieto 240 black_devil 1,131,628 6,477