551 rank

718,249,171 points

133,085 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
louis the 16 th   
Arvahall 551 louis the 16 th 718,249,171 133,085
louis the 16 th   
East-Nagach 397 louis the 16 th 595,249,967 132,813
louis the 16 th   
Brisgard 712 louis the 16 th 555,314,786 107,300
louis the 16 th   
Fel Dranghyr 196 louis the 16 th 521,458,061 139,314
louis the 16 th   
Dinegu 950 louis the 16 th 409,210,536 91,485
louis the 16 th   
Cirgard 1080 louis the 16 th 360,387,161 81,700
louis the 16 th   
Greifental 994 louis the 16 th 19,825,534 12,638