3383 rank

60,046,626 points

85,197 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
St. Gerardus    ☠ Lekker rustig ☠
Brisgard 314 St. Gerardus ☠ Lekker rustig ☠ 1,049,116,225 316,567
St. Gerardus    Granted
Cirgard 3061 St. Gerardus Granted 69,138,178 101,850
St. Gerardus    On the beach 🏖️
Arvahall 3383 St. Gerardus On the beach 🏖️ 60,046,626 85,197
St. Gerardus   
Dinegu 4659 St. Gerardus 19,315,823 42,703
St. Gerardus    Rotaract
Greifental 1260 St. Gerardus Rotaract 11,840,214 22,112