9708 rank

1,103,958 points

1,003 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Roberto the Great    kZalWelZien
Dinegu 6918 Roberto the Great kZalWelZien 4,145,201 1,323
Roberto the Great    Pure for fun
Arvahall 9708 Roberto the Great Pure for fun 1,103,958 1,003
Roberto the Great    Freedom
Fel Dranghyr 5100 Roberto the Great Freedom 940,022 988
Roberto the Great    Vlaams
Cirgard 9522 Roberto the Great Vlaams 917,872 989
Roberto the Great    mokkel
Brisgard 9663 Roberto the Great mokkel 909,697 950
Roberto the Great    Les Pays-Bas
East-Nagach 7533 Roberto the Great Les Pays-Bas 877,523 887