1275 rank

357,447,277 points

44,653 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Samarinda65    Knights of Orange
Arvahall 1275 Samarinda65 Knights of Orange 357,447,277 44,653
Samarinda65    NieuweWereld
Fel Dranghyr 697 Samarinda65 NieuweWereld 172,928,807 26,960
Brisgard 2389 Samarinda65 120,634,436 18,147
Cirgard 2487 Samarinda65 116,066,418 18,516
Samarinda65    BeversStrongTogether
Greifental 649 Samarinda65 BeversStrongTogether 59,338,134 9,719
Samarinda65    👊Fist of Freedom👊
Dinegu 4040 Samarinda65 👊Fist of Freedom👊 32,106,606 7,369
East-Nagach 3119 Samarinda65 30,433,381 7,634