5905 rank

12,824,526 points

11,324 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the mummy    Tortuga 🏴‍☠️
Cirgard 114 the mummy Tortuga 🏴‍☠️ 1,813,687,776 457,464
the mummy    The Last Legion
Greifental 445 the mummy The Last Legion 68,901,150 105,847
the mummy    Handelarengilde
Dinegu 5007 the mummy Handelarengilde 14,881,632 13,184
the mummy    King Arthurs Ridders
Arvahall 5905 the mummy King Arthurs Ridders 12,824,526 11,324
the mummy    MacGyver
Fel Dranghyr 2676 the mummy MacGyver 11,546,225 13,785
the mummy    Bels&Rundfunk Angels
Brisgard 5814 the mummy Bels&Rundfunk Angels 11,085,315 11,416
the mummy    🍻 Proost & BBQ 🍖
East-Nagach 4486 the mummy 🍻 Proost & BBQ 🍖 9,320,121 11,383