4993 rank

21,786,648 points

5,640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ruud wolbers    Loth’s Gilde
Arvahall 4993 ruud wolbers Loth’s Gilde 21,786,648 5,640
ruud wolbers    't Zonnetje in huis
Dinegu 4633 ruud wolbers 't Zonnetje in huis 19,663,140 4,886
ruud wolbers    MORS CERTA
Brisgard 5057 ruud wolbers MORS CERTA 17,971,824 4,153
ruud wolbers    Testgilde
East-Nagach 3915 ruud wolbers Testgilde 14,577,198 3,740
ruud wolbers    MeAndMe
Fel Dranghyr 2545 ruud wolbers MeAndMe 13,162,409 3,213
ruud wolbers    mato
Cirgard 5751 ruud wolbers mato 11,660,534 3,399
ruud wolbers    The Legends
Greifental 1608 ruud wolbers The Legends 6,660,742 1,999