6545 rank

9,184,532 points

7,908 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Black-Vader    The jurassic world🦖
East-Nagach 1731 Black-Vader The jurassic world🦖 109,162,671 57,589
Black-Vader    Free of all 🦅🦅
Dinegu 4504 Black-Vader Free of all 🦅🦅 22,563,668 8,638
Black-Vader    😎De Sluitsteen😎
Greifental 1568 Black-Vader 😎De Sluitsteen😎 9,473,392 7,363
Black-Vader    Knights of Orange
Arvahall 6545 Black-Vader Knights of Orange 9,184,532 7,908
Black-Vader    Take it easy
Brisgard 9421 Black-Vader Take it easy 1,002,155 623
Fel Dranghyr 5450 Black-Vader 757,840 771
Cirgard 13244 Black-Vader 98,710 29